Transitional Living Program for Young Adults

The Arise Society  Transition Center 

Navigating the transition to adulthood can be a challenging journey for both young adults and their parents. However, for parents of young adults who are "failing to launch" or struggling to move out on their own, the journey can feel particularly overwhelming.

The road to independence is not a one-size-fits-all journey. Each young adult has unique strengths, challenges, and aspirations

The Arise Society, that offers a range of programs tailored to young adults facing mental health challenges.

Seeking Support for Your Adult Child If your adult child is facing obstacles such as difficulties finding employment, lack of motivation,or struggles with managing daily responsibilities, you understand the unique circumstances that require specialized assistance.

Creating a Supportive Environment:  Independent living programs provide a supportive environment where your young adult can develop critical life skills and gain the necessary independence to succeed.

Life Skills Training:  Independent living programs focus on equipping your young adult with practical life skills that are essential for independent living.

Opportunities for Personal Growth:  Independent living programs offer abundant opportunities for personal growth and self-discovery.

We encourage you to reach out to The Arise Society or explore other programs that align with your young adult's needs and aspirations.

(801) 300-9995
