What to do when you don’t get what you want

We have all been told at one point or another that life isn’t fair. While this is true, simply knowing this doesn’t make us feel any better when something that we really want doesn’t happen. However, when this occurs, there are ways of handling the situation that are far more productive than taking on an attitude of defeat and feeling sorry for ourselves.

Here are a few key things to consider during periods of disappointment:

Appreciate what you DO have

Being able to separate the things you need from what you want is important. All around the world, people are deprived of even the most basic things most of us take for granted. While it is in no way wrong to pursue things other than the basic survival needs, try to avoid getting these things mixed up.

If you will look at each situation in which you don’t get something you want, you can probably find something in your life that you DO have to balance it out. If you were to go through life getting anything and everything you wanted, how much do you think you would appreciate those times when you actually do obtain what you were going for?

Reflect on why you didn’t get it

As time goes on, we have situations or things we can look back on that didn’t work out, only to realize that what seemed like a tragedy at the time worked out for the best. Although it can be impossible to realize in the moment, sometimes not getting something serves as a fork in the road, redirecting us to something much better.

Whatever you are feeling like you missed out on, make an effort to look down the road. You may be able to realize that this “lack” could have been for your benefit.

Try again!

What if you have done these things, but still honestly believe you are supposed to have what you didn’t get? If this is the case, regroup and try again! Rest assured, most of the things worth having are not going to come easily.

If something that you didn’t get or achieve is troubling you, this may be a sign that it is meant for you, just not right now. Only you can determine whether or not something is right for you.

It is how you deal with disappointments that separates winning in the long run from going through life resentful and feeling sorry for yourself. Never allow yourself to give up in the pursuit of anything you truly believe is supposed to be yours.


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