Who We Help
Families and Parent/Guardian Support

The transition to young adulthood marks a pivotal point, not just in our students’ lives, but in their families’ lives as well. Students begin to develop and explore their identities and interests outside of their family systems. While adolescents benefit from structure and direction, having the freedom to choose and learn of their own accord is a critical part of young adult development. For many parents and guardians, finding a balance between providing support and letting go can be challenging.
We provide parent/guardian support in conjunction with the young adult’s individual treatment, group therapy, and family therapy sessions. Our clinicians conduct therapeutic parent calls, offering insight into their student’s process and progress. At any time, parents and family members can reach out to our Parent Coordinator to address questions, concerns, or thoughts that come up.
The Arise Society is committed to working with students and their families as they re-define the roles they play in each other’s lives. Parents will develop new ways to interact with their kids. We understand that supporting parents and guardians, as they navigate the nuances of the changing relationship with their young adult, promotes family-wide healing and growth.

Parent/Guardian Reviews
“This transitional program has provided the academic, therapeutic and social structure and support our son needed. The team has consistently worked beyond our expectations and the communication has been excellent. Every staff member seems to have a calling to help these young adults and adolescents who are struggling. We are grateful for this program and the folks who have helped our son.”
“I highly recommend The Arise Society. I believe this program is literally saving my sons life and giving him hope for a future filled with happiness and personal success. It’s worth seeing if it’s a fit for your young adult. In the hopes, Arise may also be your answered prayer, I’d like to share my experience…..
Sending my first born child out of state at age 17 going on 18, was the hardest thing I’ve ever done as a Mom. Fear for his future made me cry a lot. He lived varying levels of misery for years, while many unfair things happened to him over his childhood. To make matters worse, his father and I are divorced and despite many attempts, cannot model a healthy relationship for him.
Literally every thing tried at home was ineffective. My son was sinking rapidly and I knew something extreme needed to happen and VERY quickly. This decision ended up being the best decision I could have EVER made and an investment in his future.
Now, my son has a peace and joy in his eyes and actually smiles in pictures!!! He laughs and has fun. He’s learning how to be a friend and have a friend, something his childhood stole from him. He is developing self confidence he IS capable of creating and deserving of a fulfilling future. Dr. Vaughn Heath, with his decades of expertise designed this program brilliantly. Your young adult will be immersed in an environment where they have access to 24 hour support. (I’ve also found the staff to be very responsive!) Vaughn has also designed the program to be a great blend of group, family and individual therapy, where your young adult will learn how to give and receive some tough feedback. This program design, which I view as a real world environment simulation in a controlled environment, works extremely well for my son.
I am also learning what I need to change to be a better parent. Vaughn has helped me see where I am unintentionally part of the problem. As a parent, it’s important we model accountability and learn where we can improve and help our young adult get the most from the program. My relationship with my son is now the healthiest and strongest it’s ever been.
As with any program, you want to be prepared for the growth journey. In my experience, the first months were filled with lots of huge strides forward followed by several discouraging setbacks. The setbacks have become less frequent and when they do happen, my sons recovery time seems to be much faster. I have learned this is a very challenging part of the growth process. It’s comforting to know there is a controlled environment and support team available to guide your young adult and YOU through this maze.
My son has gone from feeling like a complete failure, consumed with anger and helplessness, fueling anxiety and depression, to a young man who believes in himself. He has proven he can succeed academically and have hope and belief for a happy future. My heart is more at peace.
He now has a self awareness of negative relational patterns passed on from his families of origin. He’s learning how to remove emotion, analyze relationships and see where he can improve, including what he can and cannot control. His communication skills have increased exponentially. He now has a real shot at a functional, happy future. He can and will be the one to stop passing on the same dysfunctional patterns to generations ahead.
I’m forever grateful to Vaughn, Alison and the greater team at Arise. They believe in the work they are doing and will genuinely care for your young adult, doing all they can to support them.
If you’d like to ask me any questions, I’m more than happy to speak with you. The folks at Arise can put us in touch.
Be encouraged! There is hope for your daughter or son. ?”
“Our son has done so well at Arise. He is getting the therapy and support that he needs in a ‘real life’ college setting. We feel so lucky that we found Arise for our son and highly recommend it.”
“The Arise Society has been the answer to many a prayer! After years of various therapies, day programs, and institutional programs, including another larger program in Orem, UT, Arise has succeeded where all others have failed. Our son is finally getting the support he needs and is learning the skills in a real world setting to successfully become an independent adult. The team is incredibly dedicated and is especially adept at crafting unique solutions as day to day challenges arise. Our son used to hate group therapy before experiencing Vaughn’s unique approach. The formula of independent living in a co-ed environment with the wrap around services of 24/7 mentorship, therapeutic support, educational support, and robust social opportunities should be the gold standard model of care. We can’t thank them enough!”
“The program has been a very positive experience that has been beneficial in so many ways for our family. My Kid has been at Arise for 2 years and no doubt my kid has more confidence in all aspects of their life. I especially like that my kid is allowed a mobile device and can communicate anytime with me, unlike other programs.”
If your child is facing challenges with anxiety, depression, trauma, borderline personality disorder, or has been diagnosed with autism, we are here to assist. Please do not hesitate to reach out to us for support.
Get In Touch
Orem, UT 84058
Phone: (801) 300 - 9995
Fax: (801) 405 - 0103