6 Simple Tricks to Handle Pressure

We’ve all been there. A deadline is looming and we’ve barely begun to get our assignments or projects done. We all recognize that feeling in the pit of our stomach. But does pressure have to lead to stress?

We know that stress from psychological pressure affects us physically. It can lead to higher blood pressure, anxiety, and a host of other symptoms. It also makes it hard to concentrate on the task at hand.

If you’re feeling pressure at school or work, and it’s leading to stress, then you probably aren’t at your most effective. You might be missing deadlines or making mistakes, or even worrying yourself sick. All of these things can be caused by stress from psychological pressure.

But with good coping skills, pressure doesn’t always have to lead to stress. When you’re feeling stressed, you should try to practice positive thinking, self-distraction, or one of many other techniques that can beat stress and help your focus.

Count Backwards

It sounds simple but counting backwards from 100 is a great way to distract yourself from pressure and change your mindset. This easy trick is the perfect way to get started doing a task that you’ve been putting off. Simply sit back, close your eyes, and count backwards thinking only of the numbers instead of what is stressing you out.


Nothing works like exercise when it comes to handling pressure. Not only does the act itself take your mind off of whatever is stressing you out, it also helps your brain to release positive endorphins that can make you feel great.


Meditation is an excellent way to relieve stress according to numerous medical studies. Clearing your mind of all thought and concentrating on your breathing leaves no room in your head to fixate and focus on what’s bothering you.

Enjoy What You Do

Look for the parts in the task that you like doing and complete them. You’ll find that once you start working, it can help motivate you to keep going.

Stand Up and Take a Break

If nothing else is working, then stand up and take a break. Taking 5 minutes for yourself every hour is a great way to reset and refocus. Studies have shown that people who socialize at work, or even just stand up and stretch their legs, get more done than those who sit at their desk worrying over the tasks at hand.

Believe in Yourself

Positive thinking can be one of the most powerful tools at your disposal. The simple act of believing in yourself and knowing that you’re doing your best is a great way to turn pressure into motivation. The next time you’re faced with overwhelming pressure, tell yourself that you can do it. Whatever tasks lay before you, think positively about them and envision yourself completing them. Books such as “The Power of Positive Thinking,” “As a Man Thinketh,” and “Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff” can be helpful.



At the Arise Society, we help young adults that are struggling with anxiety, depression, gaming and other motivational issues. We provide personalized academic, therapeutic, and social support in a real-world setting, which gives our students the skills to reach their fullest potential.




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